Sofa Bed Maintenance

You can protect your sofa bed from damage by reading this article
and caring for it properly

Modern Seater Sofa Beds: Five Tips For Protecting Your Seater Sofa Bed

Seater sofa beds are one of the most versatile pieces of furniture that you can own. They serve as a comfortable couch during the day and transform into a cozy bed at night. Such furniture is perfect for small apartments or for hosting guests. However, like any piece of interior, they require proper care and maintenance to ensure longevity. Forget about getting rid of a purchase in case of stubborn stains. There exist working solutions and we will delightfully help you to explore various tips how to provide your sofa with tender care.

Seater sofa beds are usually the best bet

It’s worth mentioning that sofa beds are definitely sound investments. They are available in various styles and sizes, making them suitable for any space. The most popular types of such furnishings are the two- and three-seater sofa beds. Its dimensions will depend on your space requirements and the number of guests you intend to accommodate. Learn other useful info in the article and discover numerous unknown features as well as learn how to get the most of it. Such indispensable interior items are excellent at providing extra space as well as become a part and parcel of your life. Be sure to experience comfort & quality with AliBene fancy options which can’t but complement your little nest.

Foldable Sofa Bed

 POSH BLACK Sofa 3 Seaters

Choose a fabric that's fire-resistant and waterproof

In case you’re surrounded by vulnerable environment which is exposed to unnecessary excessive heat or humidity, it’s a sign to protect the seats and keep them in safety. Fabrics tend to deteriorate with times, so it’s crucial to ensure their long-term implementation. When selecting the fabric for your sofa bed, be sure to choose flame redundant material. Any celebrations or fancy parties frequently involve using festive candles as well as sparkles. Such protected upholstery will prevent an important piece of furniture from fading due to the fire or direct sunlight.
However, always remember about the special care routine required for fire-resistant textures. In order not to damage the guarding finish read carefully the instructions and try to stick to them thoughtfully. Additionally, search for textiles which absorb the moisture. It’s another excellent way out of spoiling any liquids.
Moreover, the couch will bear the washing process flawlessly and will allow you to benefit from itself very quickly. Thus, if you have pets or children, consider fabrics that are resistant to scratches and tears. Eventually, forget about frustration when the dirt is smudged all over and live in harmony with the fitting.
Pouffe Blue Upholstery

Give your mattress a rough scrubbing 

If you plan to use a mattress on a sofa bed, it is important to give it a rough scrubbing to remove any dust, or debris that may have accumulated on it over time. This is especially important if the covering has been in storage or not been used for an extended period. It’s a must-have for allergic people who sensible even the smallest irritants. This method reduces the risk of respiratory or skin diseases as well as generally improves the overall cleanliness and freshness of the mattress, making it more comfortable and inviting to use.
The process is comprised of simple actions. You only need to apply a stiff brush or a vacuum cleaner with a brush attachment to get rid of any surface dirt. Mild detergent along with warm water will boost effect. However, be careful so as not to saturate it with water or damage the material. In the end, be sure to experience comfort & quality by preventing unpleasant odors from developing and keeping your mattress fresh and clean. You can also invest in a new soft cover that is specifically designed for your sofa bed for maximum convenience and support.

 Sofa Bed Upholstery

STABLE Corner Sofa Left

Loosen bolts holding the headboard of your sofa bed

Loosening the bolts providing support for the head makes it easier to extract the headboard and access the sofa bed structure. This turns to be particularly useful if you need to flip or rotate the mattress, replace it, or adjust the position of the frame. Besides, in cases of necessity to move disassemble or move the furniture we recommend to slightly undo lockers so as not to cause any damage to the construction or surrounding accessories. When unscrewing the bolts, it is important to use correct tools and avoid over-tightening or stripping them. You may need to refer to the manufacturer's instructions or consult with a professional if you’re unsure about how to fulfill the plan.

A seat cushion is required for all high-seat sofa beds

It’s not a secret that cushions now perform various functions including aesthetic one. Yet it’s able to supply several benefits and make your seating experience cosier and more enjoyable. Firstly, those essentials help to distribute weight evenly and reduce pressure points, which is particularly advantageous for people who are sitting permanently. Moreover, they support good posture as well as minimises the risk of back or neck pain.
Seat Cushions for Sofa Bed
What’s more, such extra features offer an extra layer of softness to firm, inconvenient structures. They’re interchangeable with attaching mattress and take tender care of the spine as well as well-being. Lastly, seat cushions constitute an easy way to customize the furnishing or add a pop of color and style to your decor. Make certain to decide on items matching existing furniture, or to experiment with different textures and patterns to create a unique and personalized look. Find your perfect piece and upgrade the space with AliBene. Join us on Instagram and Pinterest in order not to miss out exclusive deals!